3 Creative Benefits to Offer Your Remote Employees

remote employes benefits

Being a remote employee is becoming increasingly common in the modern working world. Some estimate that by 2020 more than 75% of workers will be freelancing. With this shift in the paradigm comes a plethora of responsibilities for an employer to meet with daring creativity and innovation.

If you are a remote business owner, you can’t always be there to help your employees with distractions like the allure of the new smartphone. So how do you, as an employer, keep your team on task and motivated?

How about offering benefits that enhance their productivity and wellness?

You might need to discover ways to keep your workers engaged and happy. Luckily, there are a few creative benefits you can offer your remote employees to help them feel appreciated and motivated. With the right gifts, your remote team can stay productive and efficient. Here are a few creative benefits to offer your remote employees today. Below mentioned three benefits may seem like small things to offer, but they make a big difference for employees:

1. Flexibility

Flexibility is essential for both employers and employees. Employers can save on office space, which increases their profit margins. Employees get to work from home, where they are more productive and less likely to be distracted by the outside world.

Remote workers want more flexibility, and this means they need to be able to work from home. It is often a huge benefit for employers since it allows them to save money on office space and reduces the risk of staff members getting sick from being in close contact with co-workers.

The best remote jobs offer a good balance of flexibility and structure to ensure that the employees are still productive. The remote employee should have a clearly defined set of tasks they must complete daily. These tasks ought to be broken up into smaller chunks to enable your remote employee to focus only on one particular task simultaneously without overlooking the bigger picture.

Offering this benefit to more than one of your employees allows you to get the most bang for your buck. For example, if you have an employee that is sick often (after all, who doesn’t want these days?), getting them into a healthier environment may help them avoid illness more often. And it will save you more money on medical costs.

2. Wellness Program

Remote employees are more likely to have a higher stress level. Having health problems is less common for individuals with insufficient medical care. This increases the chance of illness development. Offering wellness programs is less common for a good reason; it is very expensive and time consuming to set up, and the company culture may not be ready for it yet.

However, if you are already offering the flexibility of remote working, this may be something you want to offer. Offering wellness programs can improve employee health and happiness, making them more productive in their work time and life outside of work.

Some companies offer wellness programs to combat this problem, allowing remote employees to attend fitness classes or get free gym memberships. These programs show excellent results for companies because they help remote employees stay healthy and happy, which leads to increased productivity and fewer absences from work.

The benefits for the employer are that it helps them avoid higher healthcare costs and turnover rates by providing an environment for their employees that attracts happier employees with lower stress levels.

3. Provide Compelling reward systems

Remote employees are more productive and satisfied with an effective reward system. You may need to downsize or eliminate your office to accommodate these benefits.

Employees who feel recognized for their good work tend to yield over 20% higher productivity, which is critical when many professionals feel isolated and disengaged. A reward system encourages remote employees to do their best work and stay motivated. Giving remote employees a clear understanding of what they need to do in order to earn rewards and how long it will take them to get the reward will help them stay motivated.

Even if you already have a rewards or recognition system, there’s a good chance that this system will need to be updated to translate to a fully remote workforce. You'll have to reconsider what employees want to be recognized for as they work from home and how you can reward them.


In conclusion, with the many benefits of offering creative outlets to remote employees, it is clear that this is something all employers should consider.

Offering creative benefits to your remote employees can be a great way to show your appreciation for their hard work. You can encourage them to continue being creative in their work by providing these benefits. So, what are you waiting for? Start brainstorming some creative benefits you can offer your remote employees today.

Also read: Time champ software offers marvelous benefits to remote employees. Get the app now and learn the process!