What is Corporate Identification Number (CIN)? Definition
CIN or Corporate Identification Number is a unique code assigned to an indian company when it registers under Companies Act 2013.
If You Can Measure It, You Can Improve It.
CIN or Corporate Identification Number is a unique code assigned to an indian company when it registers under Companies Act 2013.
Corporate communication is a process of establishing organisational communication and between the organisation and its various stakeholders.
Learn how core values guide decisions, shape identity, and influence behavior in both personal and organizational settings.
The contract labour act is a law that mainly aims at ensuring the employees under the job arrangements between a company and the workers supplied through the intermediate or contractor are justly treated.
Continuous feedback involves a timely and regular feedback flows where feedback is constantly being given and received.
Crisis management is the procedure of dealing with and responding to emergency, difficult situation that constitute danger to reputation, operations or survival of an organization.
Continuous job candidate engagement means the engagement of an employer or recruiter with the potential employees over the time of hiring process.
A confirmation letter is a formal document issued by an employer to an employee to communicate the successful completion of the probationary period or to reconfirm the terms and conditions
A consolidated statement is a set of financial reports that combines the financial information of the parent company and its subsidiaries to produce a single set of financial statements.
Conditions of employment define the rules and terms that employers outline for their employees. By accepting a job you agree to follow these rules.